Sunday, December 21, 2008

greetings from japan!!!!!!!!


i`m in japan now, using my host father`s laptop.

i celebrated a very fulfilling 15th birthday!!!
this is the second year i am not with my family for my birthday..
last year was REALLY fun. lol. it was solo camp at OBS.
i was singing birthday song to myself. lmao. seriously.

this year was cool.
we baked the chocolate banana cake and fried tempura at home.
and i received a fleece(i think) jacket from my host parents, a seriously cute pencil case, 2 keychains and a necklace thingy from my host sisters.

i also got a heck load of manymanymany other cool stuff (not for my birthday lah)
(including sweets and chocolate!!!)
(let`s laugh together)
from manymanymany people i just met for like...2 days?! *grin*

i reallyreally thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful host family who brought me everywhere and shared so many lasting memories with me.
If not for them, i have no idea how i would have survived here in this freezing,foreign country.
And i wouldn`t trade them with any other host families in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup,that`s how much they mean to me ^^

Christmas is around the corner!!
Appreciate the family that the God has blessed you with ya guys!!
God never makes mistakes^^
Hai!Macam itu sajalah:)
Oyasumi nasai~~~
(getting into the japanese mood. lol)
God Bless You.

God Bless You!!!

1 comment:

Fel said...

wow beat!! Seems like you're having a great time there. Have fun and take care! we'll all be meeting soon, next year! : D
Blessed christmas and happy new year. ; )